
Showing posts from September, 2017


God's aim Dear Reader, is for us, His creation to become more "Christ-like" That is, our actions, and reasons for these actions are a result of the faith and obedience that we have within the living saviour. This can help explain, why similar looking actions, "feeding the poor" for example are not defined "good" in and of themselves, but "feeding the poor in my name", is. 2 People, similar actions, viewed differently by God. God is looking for his fallen creation to become what they were always intended. This now is only possible through the life of Jesus, God's son. To deny this is to deny everything, and any actions taken judged "good" by the world, are tarnished in all ways because the sin of those who are in rebellion to God, even though he may use these actions to bring about his perfect and divine plan. Hebrews 11:6 (NLT) And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must be...


God is love, but not all that is defined as love is of God. In God's definition of love, based on who he is, life has boundaries, and it is loving and wonderful for these boundaries to be clearly laid out, and maintained. In a game of soccer, both teams know the boundaries of the field. These boundaries allow the game to progress according to pre-described rules. It is these rules, and the maintenance of them, that allows the game to take place. It is not "loving" to allow the soccer player to do as they wish, even though they may feel good about it.  One player may feel more loved if they invite more friends onto their side. Another if they can pick the ball up, even when they are not in goal. A third feels better if they brick the goal up and relax the whole game. Just because players feel this way, does not give them the "right" to do so. It is not within the rules to do so and is not loving to do so. God is love, but love is not a feeling, ra...


New laws were rushed into place in my home country of Australia. The aim was to prevent offensive dialogue or action between those on either side of the vote to "redefine marriage". What doesn't seem to be clear is "what is offensive" Jesus was divisive and this caused some to be offended, the gospel we are told is divisive. 1 Cor 1:18 " For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Many will find themselves railing at the teachings of Jesus . He claimed; To be God's only Son. To be the promised Messiah. To have the power to save and judge. To be the ONLY way to the right relationship with God the Father. To be God himself. This list above separates Christianity from all other religions. I would be surprised if Jesus claims do not offend people . I often tell people the Jesus was "not a nice guy", as nice guys don't get crucified! Jesus was a...


A friend inspired an image in my mind. She was sharing how God allows various reasons for "trials" to enter one's life, one reason was testing. Some times only in testing can the real be shown different from the fake. Imagine "Safety Glass", how do you know if the glass you are protected by is indeed of the right quality? The answer is you test a sample. In my mind's eye, I saw two cars with windows, one with safety glass the other with normal. On the outside, they look the same but throw a sharp object at them, one shatters, the others show its true character. The same is for testing in our lives, by going through it, we and others around can see that God's hand is upon us.


Dear Reader in today's economy we have intense pressure to be efficient. Many times this pressure to be efficient takes priority over being effective. Our world can look at things and say, "how do we make this happen faster." Yet somehow "Jesus the Carpenter" was completely effective in his calling in the time and circumstances he found himself. This may not seem all that amazing at first, but upon reflection, it might have more benefit. Jesus could have come to earth at any time, if he had arrived now, instead of taking days or weeks to walk around Israel he could have driven. Instead of talking to one's and two, and managing "a large crowd of 5000", he could have used the internet to reach millions. Instead of relying upon "eye witnesses", he could have posted his Resurrection on Instagram for all to see. But Jesus didn't For some reason the time He came and the way He came was perfect. Efficient, maybe not, but effect...