
Showing posts from June, 2017


It's popular to talk about "creating Margin". It means to find space where you can breath.Where you can think.Where you can set aside time from the doing of life, to spend time considering the being of life. It is the space between our loads and limits. The world portrays the "super-person" ideal. Perfectly presented, this financially successful individual walks through life with fulfilling relationships, aware of their future goals and how to reach them while still maintaining all present commitments, is with the family at all appropriate moments while somehow never leaving the office, but remains fit by regularly setting time aside for exercise and contributes to the community by volunteering at some worth cause. For the rest of us, just reading this description can be daunting! What is often missed in these super people's lives, and sadly in many lives is time with our creator. It is for the follower of Christ this act, this relationship which...


The final part of growth from a Kairos moment involves actions that allow us to “Believe” These actions are, “Plan", “Accountability" and “Action". Having gone through the stages which allow us to “Repent”, we need to move forward.  We need to plan what we are going to do to seek the Kingdom of God, to move away from old habits, old ways of thinking, and to move towards more Kingdom minded ones. This will most likely call for us to acknowledge that some part of our life we have had a substitute for God in place, and now need to alter this state of affairs. If a plan is to succeed once again the body of Christ is designed to help. Accountability to another like minded believer is critical to success. Get that person to be your "living conscience”, someone who will lovingly prompt you to move forward with your plans in the manner you agreed to do. Finally, once a plan and accountability have been put in place, the time comes to act, to put into place ...


Dear Reader, we are talking of Kairos. A Kairos moment can be seen as the key to opening the way towards Kingdom living. Do we have the courage to step inside? Jesus teaches that to enter the Kingdom of God two actions are necessary, “Repent" and “Believe”.(We will deal with “Believe" in further posts.) “The time promised by God has come at last!” he ( Jesus ) announced. “The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!”-Mark 1:15 Repent can mean confessing one’s sins, but the Greek meaning is metanoia, “to change one’s mind”. Put another way, to have a change of heart towards previous ways of living, in favour of more Kingdom living. In our life, change is not optional, but growth from it is! For repentance and growth from it, some steps can be taken.The first as stated is to observe and recognise the moment, then comes reflection. If in our observations we felt anger or insecurity, reflect on why these feeling come about? S...


It is Dear Reader, customary in our household to ask guests the question “What is the highlight of your week?” Depending on the age and wisdom of the respondent this may range from a great sporting event to meeting friends. Those of true wisdom will share of how God has enacted in their life. This event might well still be a sporting event, but the guest has seen how the hand of God was present and upon their life.The have recognised a moment of significance. In effect, they have taken a moment of normal, linear time, (Chronos) and recognised it as a moment of Godly time (Kairos). Kairos is when God breaks through to reveal how we can move deeper into or towards the Kingdom of God. His “in- breaking" is just the first stage, what we do with this moment determines how much we grow from it. The first step occurs when we actually observe this in-breaking for what it is, God’s voice to us. These moments aren’t always positive experiences, but they will leave an impact on you,...