A popular website encourages you to find a new career, or upgrade the one you have, it exists for this purpose (and to make a profit from you doing so), it's desire is to make you put your energies towards this goal. The Jewish carpenter has a more profound purpose, for you to "seek first the Kingdom of God." The Carpenter is smart, for those who embark on this journey will come to realise it's not a "been there, done that" sort of adventure, one in which you find the "Kingdom of God" then move on. The Kingdom of God is all absorbing, it's pursuit is life changing, and it's realm ever expanding. To truly find one part of it, only begs the question, "what's around the next corner?" We move towards deeper understanding and deeper experience. To quote C.S. Lewis, "Further up and Further in" There is no other pursuit, there is no other seeking, for all else pales by comparison. This is the secret that those who take Jes...