
Showing posts from February, 2017

Sanctuary Part two

Romans 12:13 says, "Contribute to the needs of the saints, practice hospitality. There are many places in this world that we could consider inhospitable, and that given a choice, we would prefer not to visit or reside within. Most that spring to mind have extremes of temperature, Deserts, or Ice flows. Some are downright lethal, such as areas where deadly gases exist, or contrary to our ongoing welfare, being found in the middle of a shark infest ocean might fulfil these criteria. All these examples are natural phenomena, but we invent plenty of our own. War zones aplenty exist, and persecution based on creed, colour, sex is rife. To find a place where one can reside in freedom and peace becomes a goal for many. To find a place where one feel welcome, to find a place where one can know, and be known is a blessing. To fully understand the depths of the heart of God we need to look at the deepest practice of Hospitality as understood from a biblical perspective. ...


Many seek sanctuary in the world. Most will fail to realise the word stems from "Sanctus" meaning Holy. Sanctuary conjures images of peaceful rainforests, with water drifting down. The perfect amount of heat at the right time of day. A place where the worries of this world are gone. Where threat is non-existent. None who seek harm are allowed into a sanctuary. Its inhabitants are those who sought and found peace. Who have chosen the path to leave the cares of the world behind. Yet this image can be misleading, for true peace is only found within the freedom of Jesus. The carpenter, by his sacrifice offers freedom from our sins. This acceptance by ourselves of the saving act, provides the sanctuary we so crave in our normal lives, it shows it is found in the life of the Christ. In turn we come to comprehend who we are "In Christ" Sanctuary can only exists when the inside of the person is at peace, and once attained, the outside matters little.


As I write, a Dam in America is under threat of bursting. Years of drought, followed by heavy rainfall has made use of the "spill lane" necessary for the first time in years, and it has failed. Authorities are warning residents in the potential flood zone and then helping them to evacuate to safer ground. The residents are taking what they can, but leaving their most expensive (not necessarily most valuable) assets, their houses, behind. I cannot comprehend what they are going through, but I admire they are taking the warning seriously and doing something about it. It must be hard for those carrying this warning to find their words are ignored by those who simply won't believe.I don't know the legal laws in the country, but I wonder when the authorities have the ability to force relocation.  As one who has chosen to follow the Carpenter, I know the fate I have now avoided. Where once my life was heading towards a place without God (Hell), now my eternity is to b...


We read in the scriptures that the people of God were taught to bring a peace offering to the place of sacrifice,  Lev 7:16 “If you bring an offering to fulfill a vow or as a voluntary offering, the meat must be eaten on the same day the sacrifice is offered, but whatever is left over may be eaten on the second day.   17  Any meat left over until the third day must be completely burned up.   Interestingly this phrase today means the opposite of what it did to the people of the days of Leviticus.  A peace offering was to say "thank you" or to express a contentment in the heart. To physically demonstrate a spiritual truth of peace between a person and God. It was not the method by which peace was established. That was the role of a sin offering. Also, it is worth noting, that a peace offering was to be eaten, only a portion was to be sacrificed, yet if the animal was not eaten quick enough, God had words to say about it. Lev 7:18 "If any of the ...