Birth Right
The bible records that Esau sold his birth right for a bowl of stew! (Gen 25:29ff) How cheaply did this man hold what was technically his. He took the short term view. Over the long term blessing of the firstborn son, Esau gave this in favour of a short meal. In today's culture we can miss the significance of this act. He is dismissing who he is, his place in the family and the responsibilities that come with the position. Everything about what should "define him" is given up. He gains nothing in exchange except temporary removal of hunger. We may read and look on in wonder, why a person can make such a poor exchange. Yet we have a birthright. The right to be children of God. It was severed by sin, but it's echo remains. The right needs to be claimed. We cannot do it alone, no amount of our own statements will make it ours, for the sin on our life prevents it's restoration. Yet one exists who has provided a way. Jesus tells us that thr...