
Showing posts from July, 2015


The Carpenter taught his followers to "turn the other cheek", a statement which has resounded throughout the years for discussion as to it's meaning. Many have erroneously assumed it means the carpenters followers are weak and cowardly, refusing to stand up against evil. Yet Jesus has actually taught, not passive acceptance, or even violent resistance, he teaches "assertive non-violent resistance." The answer lies in understanding the culture of the day,  "The key to understanding the argument is rigorous attention to the social customs of the Jewish homeland in the first century and what these sayings would have meant in that context. To illustrate with the saying about turning the other cheek: it specifies that the person has been struck on the right cheek. How can you be struck on the right cheek? You have to act this out in order to get the point: you can be struck on the right cheek only by an overhand blow with the left hand, or with a backha...


Many deny themselves things for their own benefit, so that they are better off. A health kick here, a saving plan there. However, in our world of instant everything, from fast food, to faster loans, the concept of denying oneself for the benefit of talking to God is counter cultural. Few are willing to place time and effort into the listening to the Carpenter of Nazareth, yet, when called to fast this is exactly what is meant to happen. A traditional fast from food is meant to allow more time time to pray. The more time you pray, the more opportunity you have to hear God's voice. The more you hear God's voice, the more you can follow his will. The logic is there, yet Dear Reader, we can see that it is easily thwarted. The carpenter himself said of the Spiritual leaders of his day “And when you fast, don’t make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, for they try to look miserable and disheveled so people will admire them for their fasting. I tell you the truth, that is t...